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All Saints Church of England Aided Infants School

Learning with Love and Laughter

This is the day the Lord has made – we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

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All Saints Church of England Aided Infants School

Learning with Love and Laughter

This is the day the Lord has made – we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Meet our Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.


Please find below the Annual Statement of Governance, which includes details of our Governors including their names, categories, responsibilities, terms of appointment and annual meeting attendance.


All Saints Infants School Governing Body meeting minutes are available on request, please contact Katherine Green (Governance Professional):-   

Annual Statement of Governance 2022/2023


The Full Governing Body (FGB) of All Saints Infants School (ASIS) met six times during the 2022-23 academic year, once per half term, plus a short meeting to approve the 2023-24 budget. Three of the six full length FGB meetings were held online on weekday evenings, and the other three meetings were held during the school day in school. This meeting pattern is to be carried forward into 2023-24.

The Governing Body is responsible for setting the strategy of the school and monitoring its implementation. At the start of the year, the Governing Body agreed to continue with the structure approved at the start of 2020-21 whereby there is limited delegation to committees and so the majority of the business of the Governing Body business was conducted via these FGB meetings.

Governors expect that the school will promote and deliver the highest possible standards of provision for pupils in terms of safeguarding, curriculum, health and safety and environment. Governors are responsible for the conduct of the school in all areas.  All Governors are involved in setting and monitoring the school's vision, aims and policies and may be involved in hearing appeals or grievances.

Key roles of the Governing Body:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
  • To hold the school’s senior leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the efficient and effective performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
  • To secure, develop and maintain the Christian character of the school throughout all areas of its work.

Strategic Aims of the Governing Body

  • To continue to insist on the highest possible standards of education and learning for the school and its pupils and in the process achieve an Ofsted rating of ‘outstanding’
  • To consider and determine the school’s vision and strategic direction with particular consideration given to:
  • The long term sustainability of the school in terms of budget, staffing, admissions and performance and the identification and mitigation of risks in these areas
  • The ability of the school to achieve the goals established in the School Improvement Plan
  • The ability of the school to maintain the highest standards of provision for pupils in terms of safeguarding, curriculum, health and safety and environment
  • The preservation of the school’s status as a church school and its relationship with All Saints Church and the Oxford Diocese
  • Effective management of the implications of there being one Headteacher across All Saints Infants and All Saints Junior school
  • Effective sharing of staff and resources between the All Saints schools
  • Greater integration of families and pupils

Effectiveness of the Governing Body

We are continuously striving to maintain the highest standards within the Governing Body. We undertake an annual evaluation of our effectiveness and a skills audit. In addition, the school underwent an Ofsted inspection in March 2022. The inspection report stated that ‘Staff are proud to work at All Saints Infant School. They appreciate the attention leaders and governors give to staff’s workload. Governors are highly involved in the life of the school. They are effective in checking the school’s work and holding leaders to account. They are committed to meeting the needs of pupils and families in the community.’

Each Governor has a designated link role and is responsible for matters undertaking monitoring work relating to that role and reporting to Governing Body meetings on that work. These link governor roles cover Safeguarding, Disadvantaged Children, Curriculum, Finance, Religious Education, and Health and Safety. As part of these roles, and sometimes for other reasons, governors are involved in a wide range of in-school monitoring visits and reports on these are usually made to the next FGB meeting after the visit concerned.

We are aware of the skills that each Governor brings to the school and those areas in which we are short. We seek external advice and guidance to help in these areas, including the engagement of Associate Governors, and as far as possible recruit Governors with appropriate skills to fill our vacancies. We ensure that governors have access to relevant training and development activities in order to maximise their effectiveness as a governor and the effectiveness of the governing body as a whole.

Ensuring effective safeguarding arrangements at the school is of the utmost importance for Governors. During 2022-23 the Governing Body committed to all governors receiving annual training focused on the safeguarding role of governors. All governors completed that training last year and a training plan for 2023-24 is in place. The link governor responsible for Safeguarding conducted regular school monitoring visits throughout the year, reporting to each FGB meeting on their work.

During 2022-23 two new governors joined the Governing Body, and a former governor was re-appointed. One was a staff governor, another a governor appointed by the local authority and the other was a Foundation governor appointed by All Saints Parochial Church Council. Unfortunately, five governors have stood down in the past year and so, at the time of writing, there are four vacancies. A parent governor election is to be held in autumn 2023 to try to fill one of these vacancies and attempts to fill the other Foundation governor vacancies are ongoing.

As well as this statement, on the school website, a list of current and recent past governors is provided. This list also includes details of their term of office, the category of governor, any relevant business and parochial interests, their link governor responsibilities and attendance record at meetings in the preceding year.


Meet the Governors 




Appointed by

Term of Office (no. of years & end date

Responsibilities / Link Governor

Susannah Daniel








Steve Daniels


Diocese Foundation






Chair of Governors

Admissions Committee Chair


Disadvantaged Children 

Anthem Trust Link


Emma Tytel


LA Governor




Vice Chair of Governors

Strategy Committee Chair



Sarah Charlton

Diocese Foundation






Rev. Jo Williams






Kathleen WatheyStaff GovernorStaff 405/01/27Assistant Headteacher 
Jenna LynchP.C.C Foundation P.C.C48/3/27Health and Safety


Please note - All members of the Governing Body are also members of the Strategy Committee and Admissions Committee.



Previous Governors and Associate Members (last 12 months) 


Name of GovernorCategory

Term of Office

start date

Date of resignation
Carl SkeatsParent Governor 19/10/202120/01/2023
Karen TurnerPCC Foundation 01/09/202110/07/2023
Mischa Tytel Associate Member21/09/202110/07/2023
Levine WhithamDiocese Foundation 11/05/22


Catherine O'DonnellParent Governor20/10/213/11/23



Business Interests 


Name of GovernorBusiness Interests
Carl SkeatsNone declared
Karen Turner Member of casual staff for ASIS
Mischa Tytel (Associate Member)Governor, All Saints Junior School, Governor The Wren School, volunteer Bushcraft & outdoor learning teacher for ASIS and ASJS.
Levine WhithamNone declared
Catherine O'DonnellNone declared


Governor Business and Parochial Interests 


Governor name

Name of interest business or parochial including: -

  • Governor elsewhere
  • Related/Married to staff member
  • Employed at school

Start date of interest

Date of cessation of interest

Date of last review

(Reviewed every academic year)

Susannah Daniel


January 2015


27 September 2023

Stephen Daniels

None declared



9 October 2023

Emma Tytel

Employed by Reading Borough Council 


Married to Governor at All Saints Junior School 

Husband provides Bushcraft activities for Infant and Junior school through White Wold Bushcraft



January 2019



1 November 2023

Sarah Charlton

None Declared



29 Nov 2023

Rev. Jo Williams

Vicar at All Saints Church


Governor at St Mary and All Saints Primary School

December 2016


December 2016


21 Sept 2022



Kathleen Wathey

Assistant Headteacher 

Designated Safeguarding lead - Reading Rock Academy


19 October 2023

12 March 2024

Jenna Lynch None declared N/A  29 Nov 2023



